Janam Kundali predictions refer to one of the 5 major kingdoms in Buddhism. Kundli in Hindi is an astrological chart used by Delhi astrologers to predict the future. It shows the accurate positions of the different planetary bodies at the date and time of their birth.
Janam kundali has great importance in Indian astrology. According to astrological belief, the Janam kundali predictions are made after the child is born and the horoscope of the bride and groom is matched on the occasion of marriage. Best astrologer in Delhi can read this or give you a free online Janam kundli in Hindi reading.
Janam kundali predictions:
A Janam kundali/Horoscope is an astrological letter (chart) that is prepared based on the exact time, date and place of birth. It is necessary to know a person's prophecy. There are 12 houses in the horoscope which is called "Bhava" in astrological language.
At the time of birth in the house located in the horoscope, the zodiac sign, the position of the constellations and the planets are known and by calculating and studying these, the nature, past, present and future of a person is estimated. In this, along with the native's commands, detailed calculations of yogas and doshas etc. are done.
The purpose of Janma kundali in Hindi reading:
Indian astrology studies all aspects related to human life by looking at the position of the constellations and planets present in the solar system, which is aimed at the welfare of mankind and this public welfare work, in Vedic astrology free online Janam kundli in Hindi reading is to spread knowledge and solve people's problems with the inherent remedy of Hindu astrology.
Importance of free online Janam Kundali in Hindi reading:
With the study of any other science, you can only study the past or the present and try to improve them. But astrology is a science, after studying; you can see your future life and try to improve it.
Since the backbone of astrology is the Janam kundli in Hindi. Studying Janam kundali is also very important for you. It is also necessary to construct a birth chart, so that they can be avoided by forecasting future losses and gains.
Most frequently asked questions on Janam kundali predictions:
1) How can I get my lagan kundali/Janam kundali?
Provide us with your birth date and time and your name and you will get the detailed lagan kundali made by our expert astrologers in Delhi.
2) Can I get the navmasha chart also?
Sure, you will be given navmasha chart and you will get the position of the planets throughout your birth time. Our birth charts are made with minute details.
3) Can I get detailed janam kundali predictions for a year?
Yes, provide us your birth date and time and we will provide you the details of your yearly predictions so that you get prepared well.
4) Can I have predictions done for me for a particular period?
Yes, you can. Send us the period for which you want the Janam kundali predictions and we will provide you with that.
Get your free online Janam kundali in Hindi reading or any other language you prefer.
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